designer. illustrator

Painting and Illustration

A selection of personal and professional projects…

Holiday cards for our office of advancement. Both are watercolor illustrations with text placement.

Holiday cards for our office of advancement. Both are watercolor illustrations with text placement.

Alumni night in the city of New Orleans. This illustration was designed in Adobe Illustrator using vector art.

Alumni night in the city of New Orleans. This illustration was designed in Adobe Illustrator using vector art.

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Navigating students to success was an illustration from an article in Perspectives magazine.

Navigating students to success was an illustration from an article in Perspectives magazine.

Tailgate illustration using vector art depicting Samford tower.

Tailgate illustration using vector art depicting Samford tower.

Tailgate illustration using vector art. I really enjoyed working on this project.

Tailgate illustration using vector art. I really enjoyed working on this project.

Two abstract paintings to showcase my work with acrylic paint.

Two abstract paintings to showcase my work with acrylic paint.